Category: Library 2.0

  • More coherent thoughts on the SLA Consultants’ Recommendations.

    flickr photo shared by Royal Free Archive Centre under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license It’s June, which means the club football seasons are over and it’s time for cricket! (At least in my narrow view of the world.) I’m using the sport metaphor here to haphazardly say I like being part of a…

  • 7 Things: Making Better Info Pros

    photo source I don’t talk about my job very much because it’s not that interesting, unless you’re into transportation in which case it’s fascinating. (Topics you should avoid around me: parking, air traffic control, bus routes, and traffic congestion.) Last week at SLA 2009, the Transportation Division launched its new 7 Things, because 23 Things…

  • Social Networking for Professional Development

    I took that picture at

  • Being Annoyed without being Annoying?

    When I first read the Annoyed Librarian, I really enjoyed it. I thought AL was cynical enough and a nice counter balance to all of the other library blogs that seemed to pat each other on the back and never really explain to me why I should care about all this web 2.0 stuff. There…

  • Where’s the time for 2.0?

    Michael Sauers, The Travelin’ Librarian, has an interesting post today about 2.0 and staff workloads. Maybe at an institutional level adding the new social tools onto an already overloaded workflow isn’t the answer. Granted, I firmly believe that some of the new tools can be integrated successfully and streamline the existing workflow, but what about…