Month: January 2011

  • CDs and DVDs – can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.

    Microwaving a CD, originally uploaded by AlpinePhotographer. I’m supposed to be getting ready for the TRB Annual Meeting, but I’ve been bogged down with pulling PDFs of other conference proceedings off of discs. It’s a weird skill to have – figuring out how to bypass the auto-run software, locate the files, and locate the single…

  • Living with an ILS – it’s like the New World Order

    new world order, originally uploaded by wasteddaylight. I don’t know why recently, but I’ve been making lots of jokes about New World Order (NWO). It’s been long enough that most people just go, “Huh?” or “Ha. That.” This morning, while being trained on some ILS stuff, it sort of hit me that my little library…