Category: Observations
I’m on an Island: Thoughts on solo and subject librarianship
flickr photo shared by virgo200745 under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC-ND ) license This post started off with my reaction from Erin White’s great insights about why she’s stayed at VCU. Then it was spurred on by Chris Zammarelli’s post about his personal brand following a brief Twitter rant of mine. So here we are. I…
Access isn’t a fad: Tech-washing libraries
flickr photo shared by BioDivLibrary under a Creative Commons ( BY ) license MPOW is going through some major changes this year – the library director retired this month, the institute has a new strategic plan, and I’m trying to figure out what the future holds for the library. It’s exciting but also a bit daunting…
Librarians – to serve, protect (and entertain)
flickr photo shared by North Carolina Digital Heritage Center under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC-ND ) license The role of librarians, libraries, why I’m a librarian, what’s the meaning of it all, and what the future holds has been weighing heavily on my head for a while. It kicked into a high gear this past…
Remember when you were young? Avoiding generational conflict.
flickr photo shared by USDAgov under a Creative Commons ( BY ) license I’ve been thinking about generational conflict a lot lately – we just finished our annual fundraiser at the radio station, which is a time when volunteers new and old really get a chance to mingle. I had lots of great conversations with…
Don’t Be Like Me – On hypocritical advice
flickr photo shared by Blue Mountains Local Studies under a Creative Commons ( BY-SA ) license Yesterday on Twitter I got into a discussion with one of the sagest librarians I know – Anna Creech – about being honest and realistic to aspirant librarians/archivists yet still promoting more diversity in the ranks. The conversation kind…