Category: Taxonomy

  • Thoughts from #IDCC14 – Learning new tricks after grad school.

    Librarian searching on the computer, a photo by UWMadArchives on Flickr. One thing that stuck with me from IDCC14 was the issue of training and continuing education for digital curation for people out of school. Mid career, early career, established career professionals could benefit from continuing education in the field. There was a session at…

  • Taxonomies for the masses: Is it really that easy?

    000_2028.JPG, originally uploaded by Yake. Today was the last day of the 2011 TRB Annual Meeting, which means my 7 day stretch of nothing but conferences is over. Praise be! One topic that kept coming up over and over again was the need for more controlled vocabularies in transportation. I couldn’t tell if they were…

  • Long live indexing! You still need to to find stuff.

    Music music, originally uploaded by angela marlaud. This is a picture of the library at KALX. It’s my work away from work. Seriously. See that collection? It’s all alphabetized, and that’s it. Finding stuff is easy if you know we have it and what it’s called, thanks to an army of volunteers who spend hours…

  • Building a tiny taxonomy: Getting back to my IA roots.

    This morning I decided to buckle down and dig into my website redesign project. The main hurdle this week has been getting the taxonomy designed so that content can be filtered and organized by it. I discussed my taxonomy tales a bit before, but now let me tell you where I am.

  • Organize anything with a controlled vocabulary – or why I’m obsessed with taxonomies.

    Record taxonomy at Rainy Day Records, originally uploaded by moustache. As I alluded to in another post, I’m working on a taxonomy for transportation websites. Why? I’m trying to redesign my library’s website, we’re moving to Drupal, and all my ideas and fantasies hinge on content being aggregated by thematic types. It’s magical, really. OK,…