Category: Trends

  • Organized Librarians and Rocking the Vote

    Librarians and Archivists at University Western Ontario recently voted 88% in favour of a strike. This doesn’t mean that they are going on strike immediately, but that can go on strike now. (Could somebody please correct me if I’m wrong?) Their issues are ones that librarians face on many campuses, and include: “language on Annual…

  • Organizing Librarians – Does it work?

    Disclosure: I’m an active member of UC-AFT Local 1474 aka the librarians and lecturers union at UC Berkeley. Yes, we’re organized. I participate because I care about the profession on campus and would like to see more people have the opportunity to make careers as librarians at UC Berkeley. This past week, the UC Union…

  • Branch out from Cataloging

    Cliff Landis, who rocks, recently blogged about the future of cataloging and the disconnect from library school. Many schools don’t teach about recent advances in cataloging, such as FRBR or RDA, and I don’t really remember either coming up in any of my cataloging courses. If new library school graduates are expected to get a…

  • Don’t call me that.

    Yesterday, Stephen Abram blogged about how generations are labelled. He was prompted by a recent YPulse press release that announced that Millennials don’t like being called Millennials and Gen Xers hate that title too. This isn’t exactly news, but I appreciated Abram’s closing remark: Of course every generation hates being labelled. There’s been a whole…

  • How do you wear your degree?

    There’s been an interesting discussion on