Category: Trends

  • That Retirement Thang.

    This week’s Uncontrolled Vocabulary will discuss the retirement issue: Do senior librarians have a moral obligation to retire? It’s a sticky question, both in academia and libraries. Do newcomers to the profession have a right to jobs? Not necessarily, but it’s hard to think people will stick around for any length of time if they…

  • Save the NAL!

    It seems that federal libraries are always under attack from various foes. First the EPA library was almost dissolved, but SLA helped save it. Now the National Agricultural Library is being threatened by huge budget cuts which will limit their services and perhaps reduce it to EPA levels. Here is some more information about the…

  • What’s wrong with people who Google?

    Absolutely nothing. LIS News linked to a story on ZD Net called, I love Google… don’t tell the librarian!. I don’t think that her librarian is alone in her dislike of Google. Unfortunately, despite its outstanding search algorithms and wide variety of free, value-added resources, it gets a bad name with library scientists since so…

  • Have gamers taken over libraries?

    Today Steven Cohen at Library Stuff posted an article by Dave Gibson about video games in libraries. Gibson writes: Libraries are now offering video games and movies to children. Paula Brehm-Heeger, president of the Young Adult Library Services Association said of the new entertainment available: “Librarians are really trying to respond to teens and to…