Category: Uncategorized

  • Can we kill off cataloging?

    Traffic Safety, originally uploaded by kendrak. This is pie in the sky navel gazing. I could really use some pie. This is a thought I’ve been having for a while and I know I’m not alone. I don’t really know how to articulate this into action yet (other than stopping cataloging all together, which I’m…

  • Book Piracy – Easier than doing it the right way.

    Bits & Books, originally uploaded by Jude Buffum. Today I saw this article about book piracy float by on Twitter. Might have been from Andy Woodworth? Anyhow, it’s an interview with a book pirate. It’s a good read and really hammers home the fact that piracy is easy and more convenient than doing it legally.…

  • Say my name… Kendra K. Levine

    KENDRA, originally uploaded by kendrak. I don’t really place too much importance on names, but really… it’s a kind of your personal brand. It also usually has a lot of baggage. Most of us didn’t get to choose our names at all. OK, maybe when you get married… but we didn’t go that route. (Aside:…

  • SLA supports FASTR

    FASTR ASPK TCR, originally uploaded by FOR THE TOWN. Yesterday the Special Libraries Association, along with a number of other library groups, wrote a letter thanking U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden for introducing the “Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act”, more commonly known as FASTR. This legislation will ensure that there is public access…

  • Free Kittens: Aaron Swartz, Open Access, and public perceptions

    Free Kittens, originally uploaded by Trees and Bees Photog. Last night I dragged my bandmates up to Davis to twee house show. It featured Rose Melberg’s new band, Imaginary Pants, as well as two of the best bands in Sacramento right now – English Singles and Nacho Business. Thankfully the show ended early and we…