Tag: SLA
Collaboration and Teamwork – practice makes perfect.
España campeona del mundo, originally uploaded by www.valenciaclubdefutbol.blogia.com. So the 2010 World Cup ended this past Sunday and I’m going through withdrawals. (I am a bit fanatical about football/soccer. I’m card carrying member of Wednesdayite, that’s seriously a burden of love.) So pardon me, if I use a picture of La Furia Roja to illustrate…
Turf Wars: Stepping on toes in Libraryland
I always like to joke about the number of committees I sit on. Librarians love to complain about the number of meetings we attend, and of course meetings are just the time consuming playthings of committees. (I suppose teleconferences/webinars are the time consuming playthings of groups that meet at a distance.) Maybe this is old…
LibPunk Essay Contest Essay: How I walk the contradictions
I’m slow on the uptake, but here’s my entry for the LibPunk Essay Contest. I’ve been thinking about the meaning of LibPunk for a while, and trying to determine how I could be both LibPunk and a professional librarian. It’s not to say that it’s not possible, but where do I draw the lines? Well,…
What’s in a name? SLA vs. ASKPro
Patty_Hearst.jpg, originally uploaded by ojo maravilloso. Today, my professional association, currently called SLA, or Special Libraries Association, announced their proposed new name: ASKPro, or Association of Strategic Knowledge Professionals. SLA members have been waiting eagerly to see how the SLA Alignment Project would pan out. A similar vote took place in 2004 (when I was…
Pssst… don’t let tell anybody I’m a Librarian.
A couple weeks ago I went to a Wall Street Journal marketing event called Taste & Talk. We’d get to taste their wine as a promotion for WSJ Wine, and then we’d listen to people talk about how to use information in tough economic times. It was ostensibly a pitch for their Business Smartkit, which…