Tag: Transportation

  • Turf Wars: Stepping on toes in Libraryland

    I always like to joke about the number of committees I sit on. Librarians love to complain about the number of meetings we attend, and of course meetings are just the time consuming playthings of committees. (I suppose teleconferences/webinars are the time consuming playthings of groups that meet at a distance.) Maybe this is old…

  • Transportation Knowledge Network? What’s that?

    Last week was National Library Week. I didn’t really celebrate. (Oddly enough, I’ve never really ever noticed anything like that on campus in my decade here. Dang… I sound old.) Andrew Krzmarzick, the Director of Community Engagement at GovLoop, started a discussion about National Transportation Knowledge Networks. It almost made me weep with joy for…

  • State DOTs and Social Networking

    This post might be very boring to the library folks, but this is what I do. I’m a transportation librarian, so I think about transportation stuff. One thing that I’m interested in is how transportation agencies use social networking to share information. This is why I started MashTrans, because it was clear that people were…