Category: Library School
I got a degree so I could fix the printer?
Yeah, it’s that old topic again. You know, the “should you ever bother with the MLIS?” problem. Only slightly different. In this version it’s the “I got the MLIS so I shouldn’t be expected to do that” argument. Andy Woodworth sort of stepped in it with his post The Masters Degree Misperception. He writes: It…
Online Education – When the Ivory Tower goes to Bits
reading, originally uploaded by kendrak. (That’s me, lo almost 4 years ago doing course work for my online MSLIS/MSIS program.) I’ve never been able to (or really tried) to hide the fact that I went to school online. Was it my first choice? Not exactly, but given my options and my field I think it…
Branch out from Cataloging
Cliff Landis, who rocks, recently blogged about the future of cataloging and the disconnect from library school. Many schools don’t teach about recent advances in cataloging, such as FRBR or RDA, and I don’t really remember either coming up in any of my cataloging courses. If new library school graduates are expected to get a…
Should you go to library school?
It seems weird that this past week a number of different people have asked me for advice about applying to library school. Not so much where to apply, since there’s only one school in the area, but more about what to expect and if they should do it. I couldn’t bring myself to enthusiastically say,…
Do I really need an MLIS?
There’s been a lot of discussion in library land about whether or not the masters degree makes one a librarian. Rachel Singer Gordon wrote a nice piece about how many people without masters are good librarians by virtue of their actions. Of course, to those with the degree it calls into question if the masters…