Category: Library Services

  • Tales of Extreme Outreach Pt. 2

    In my first installment of Tales of Extreme Outreach I discussed my joining my department’s intramural soccer team. Our record has been spotty, but I’ve really enjoyed playing with the grad students and I think we’ve all had fun. Last night I split my head open a little playing a game against the Killer Wombats.…

  • Taking care of your users/patrons/readers/whatever.

    Today I read two blog posts that made me think, “Duh! Isn’t that obvious?” But if two of the library world’s most esteemed bloggers are writing about it, then maybe not? One was David Lee King talking about Darien Library’s Extreme Customer Service (or should it be Xtreme?). The other was

  • The annoying side of copyright or why I’m annoyed with Harvard Business School.

    Photo source. For years I couldn’t name anything more obnoxious than the crazy frog, but I stand corrected. I’ve long thought that the DMCA was ridiculous, mostly for the broadcast implications, and that DRM was just a band-aid that irritates people and doesn’t actually prevent piracy. Well, today a student came into our library to…

  • Oh, the many uses of a library!

    David Lee King, one of the well established voices of “Library 2.0”, recently blogged Can a Library Be Your Office?, which looks at how libraries can lure business people and freelancers out of bookstores and coffee shops and into the library to work. This is all in response to Chris Brogan’s post about why bookstores…

  • British Library “loses” 9,000 books, really?

    Photo source. Today the Guardian reported about the British Library misplacing/losing 9,000 books: More than 9,000 books are missing from the British Library, including Renaissance treatises on theology and alchemy, a medieval text on astronomy, first editions of 19th- and 20th-century novels, and a luxury edition of Mein Kampf produced in 1939 to celebrate Hitler’s…