Month: January 2011

  • Working online – Library school, committee work, work work, it’s all the same.

    Today, Drexel (my alma mater), has an interesting post on their einsights blog, where they discuss different issues surrounding online/distance education. Today, they tackle common mistakes online students make and how to avoid them. The mistakes are: Assuming online is easy Poor time management Communication breakdown Not utilizing available resources Not staying connected Taking on…

  • Taxonomies for the masses: Is it really that easy?

    000_2028.JPG, originally uploaded by Yake. Today was the last day of the 2011 TRB Annual Meeting, which means my 7 day stretch of nothing but conferences is over. Praise be! One topic that kept coming up over and over again was the need for more controlled vocabularies in transportation. I couldn’t tell if they were…

  • A Day in the Life 6 #libday6

    OK. Yesterday was a weird day, but I’m going to share it with all you lovely Library folk as part of the Library Day in the Life Project. So here it goes! Walk over to the Hilton around 7:15 to get ready for the some TRB committee meetings. Try to scrounge coffee. Attend the Library…

  • Worried about access to grey literature? We got your back!

    Today was a long, strange trip at the TRB Annual Meeting. Lots of meetings. All day meetings. I need to figure out why I am such a sucker and always end up in meetings. No cool sessions. Just meetings. Blech. (Though I did make it to the YPT tweet-up, which was fun.) Perhaps the best…

  • Conference Reflections and Projections

    Tonight I read Tara Murray’s post The After Conference, which suggests ways to continue some of the threads of discussion and follow the ideas of the conference. She also gives a nod to the wonderful Eileen Boswell, the Embedded Librarian. This has been a weird day for me because I’m still mentally processing and thinking…