Category: Observations
On memos, details, nuance, and information
Memos have been in the news a lot lately, what with the whole Nunes memo fiasco going on. It’s four pages long, which makes it kind of lengthy. The Democrats’ rebuttal should be released if and when the White House approves it, but apparently it’s longer than Nunes’ memo, which means President Trump probably won’t…
Adventures in text mining part 1: Getting started
Fishing flickr photo by Homini:) shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Someday I may sit down and write this all out into a good research paper I can shop around to open access academic venues, but I thought it would be cool and possibly helpful to somebody out there to talk about my research…
Something…libraries…something:Neutrality is dead.
Sophie Scholl flickr photo by jimforest shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license I often lament that I never really use my undergraduate degree in History and German. Only now it seems like my decision to get a degree in what I joked was “Nazi Studies” (modern German history, literature, and culture could be reduced…
A library? What’s that? Nobody knows.
Dennis Schuck flickr photo by Snap Man shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license I don’t know this fellow but I like his glasses and appreciate his style. I also identify with his expression in this photo: cheerful frustration. This week there’s been a lot to make me question what’s a library these days and…
What’s A Library Without Women? Closed.
Miss Shirley Robbins works at a library reference desk, January 8, 1952 flickr photo by North Carolina Digital Heritage Center shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license Today is International Women’s Day, and there’s the Day Without Women Strike. General strikes aren’t that common now, but it’s important to remember that the origin of IWD…