Category: Uncategorized
Putting the U in unions: The power in a union is people.
I started this post when I was in a membership meeting for my union local. I’ve been thinking unions a lot since there’s been a lot of energy in the air: The recent AFSCME/UPTE strike across UC, which received support from several other unions. I helped organize a demonstration for my union, which included a…
Radical Librarians Revisited: What’s next?
[crass] flickr photo by RHiNO NEAL shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license Back in 2015 I wrote about being radical through our actions, not just or words. This week I was reminded of that post when somebody in a union setting referenced “radical” R. David Lankes and I quipped, “I guess crossing a picket line…
Conferences, professionalism, and all those unwritten rules
Conference flickr photo by Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, Texas A&M shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license Next week is the SLA 2018 conference and I’m already starting to worry about packing. What am I going to wear? What’s the weather going to be like. Do I need to wear a suit? Are any…
More on library worker solidarity: Librarians need to make amends.
Two young children push a dolls carriage and carry signs in support of their parents’ strike. Their signs read “Strike!” and “I Need a Healthy Diet!” flickr photo by Kheel Center, Cornell University Library shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Since I last wrote about library worker solidarity last month, something has really been…
Open Textbooks Playlist
For those of you who saw Tara Robertson‘s presentation on open textbooks at Access 2015, “Can I actually use it?” Testing open textbooks for accessibility, that I provided a Creative Commons licensed musical augmentation for, and you want the full playlist — HERE YOU GO! Willbe, “Introduced Beats” Jared C. Blaogh, “Proven Groove” Wake, “Glytch…