Category: Uncategorized
Let’s Talk About Trust and Territory
trust, a photo by neppanen on Flickr. This something that has been kicking around my head a lot recently. It’s a vague notion of trust and territory – or the lack of trust and how it makes us feel the need to protect our territory. It started at SLA… I was talking to a group…
Call me what ever you want, but don’t call me late for dinner.
Laurie Kagann, a photo by Woodridge Public Library on Flickr. Last week was SLA 2013. I was down in San Diego to attend, participate in some stuff, wear a black velvet blazer… you know… typical conference stuff. Lots of thoughts are swirling in my head from it… but the main thing I just want to…
See you at the beach! I mean see you at SLA 2013!
R.L. HUFFSTUTTER 1960, ENSENADA, BAJA, a photo by roberthuffstutter on Flickr. The week before a a conference is always a tense time. This year is no exception. Preparing for SLA 2013 has been a slog. But it’s what I get for: Being chair of the Transportation Division and making sure our meetings are good to…
Curate me! Why small is awesome.
Rough Trade Records W11, a photo by Jamie Barras on Flickr. A while back I mentioned that I prefer small, curated record shops to big, expansive ones. Tara wanted to know why. Well, here you go! This is the store front of the (almost) original Rough Trade. It’s in Kensington and is tiny. I first…
Tweetable RDA Rules
Confession: I think we need to think beyond catalogs and cataloging. So I get tired when people try to get me to care about RDA but use super old school cataloging terms, talking about obstacles for their workflow and not focusing on how it’s going to impact users or why we should care. That’s not…