Category: Observations

  • Librarians, libraries, and politics: When governments gets irrational

    Travel Ban Protest Rally Boston flickr photo by Kristin “Shoe” Shoemaker shared under a Creative Commons (BY-ND) license I’ve been trying not to think about work much while I was out on parental leave, but it’s hard given how much I love my job and how the new administration has really made for interesting times.…

  • Libraries are political and so are librarians.

    flickr photo shared by Snap Man under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license This post has been stewing in my head for a while, but I feel like it’s time to finally push it out because the main theme keeps coming up. Today I saw some colleagues share this post about Storytime Underground tweeting…

  • ABC – Always be curious. On discovery and ethics.

    flickr photo shared by Ape Lad under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC-ND ) license Last night I attended a joint SLA Silicon Valley/SLA SF chapter event which was dinner and an engaging talk from Brewster Kahle. He talked about the mission of the Internet Archive, which through many facets can be distilled down to “Universal…

  • Degrees don’t make librarians – but neither do books.

    flickr photo shared by State Library Victoria Collections under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license Things have been ranty on library Twitter this week. Yesterday was that racist and idiotic column in a LIS journal about librarian stereotypes that illustrated failures of editorial oversight. Today, I saw something from from the esteemed John Fink…

  • Library day in the life – can I get a moment?

    flickr photo shared by Blue Mountains Local Studies under a Creative Commons ( BY-SA ) license I guess this is the week where we do the “library day in the life” thing where we blog about what we do during the day. It’s meant to highlight the diverse work libraries do and how we’re all busy…